So, now that I've gotten ALL that background stuff out of the way, let's get down to business!
I do cardio every day, except Sunday but that's only because I don't workout on that day, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday I add in strength training and also an ab workout on those days. Wednesdays are leg days.
After not eating very well yesterday, can you say carb cravings, I promised myself I would get back on it today. Of course, I didn't want to get up this morning. I thought long and hard about going back to my nice warm bed. But in the end I didn't, because I knew I would be feeling immensely guilty (workout for about 3 weeks solid and you will get this feeling too). So, I hauled my tired butt to the gym and gave it my all. I did 40 min on the elliptical and for the last 3 minutes I bumped it up to level 3. My current fav song to finish out my time on the elliptical is "I'm Sexy and I Know It", find a song like this, the power of music and a rockin beat can work wonders!!! I finish and my buns are burning and I'm thinking to myself how in the heck am I going to make it through a leg workout?!? But I knew I had to try, I was pouring sweat, yeah I don't workout pretty, so I made sure to grab 2 wipies for the weight machines and head to the first one. I do the first one and I think to myself, geez I'm not going to make it, I've got 7 more to go. I go to the 2 machine and I check my list and this one is a superset meaning I don't take a rest between exercises 2 and 3, so I find the machine for exercise 3 so I won't be hunting for it and get to work. After I finish this I'm pretty much to the point where I think my pt (personal trainer) is trying to kill me, but I press on. I get all the way down to the lunges and my legs are like jello, but I miraculously finished. So, I go to do my ab workout, and the stretching area is completely full!! I don't have time to wait so I head to the house, and by the time I get there I really don't have time to do it, but I know that if I don't then I'll forget and won't do it later. So, after laying on some if my daughters nail polish bottles, and realizing I need to vacumm. I do the workout. At one point I think I'm fixing to hurl and totally want to quit, but I don't because I want this SO dang bad.
I'm sore today still some from my Monday work out but also from todays and I know that more will set in as the day wears on. It stinks but I'm going to keep pressing on.
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