...is ALWAYS an easy excuse to weight gain. "I'm still carrying around the weight from my last pregnancy." How many times have we said that or had someone say that to us?!? I am certainly guilty of it myself! But last week when I was trying to evaluate how much weight I was looking to lose (we all need goals), I was trying to figure out where all of the weight I'm carrying around came from. I think I can say that 40lbs of it is from slowly becoming increasingly inactive as a teenager, but I can relate about 60lbs of it to weight gain from when I was pregnant with Austin. Yes, it was my first pregnancy and I was young but I think that it could have been avoided. When I reflect back on all 3 of my pregnancies and what the doctors told me about weight gain and food choices, I have to say that the first was severely lacking. I had two different doctors, one for Austin (Dr A) and the same for the other two (Dr B). I can distinctly remember Dr. B conversing with me on both occasions about weight gain and calorie intake etc. They told me each visit how much weight I had gained so that I would know and when I gained too much he let me know. However, with Dr. A other than the don't eat too much fish food talk, there wasn't any of that going on. When they weighed me I had to weigh backwards, so that I couldn't see it and they wouldn't tell me about my weight gain. I assumed it was fine since they never said anything, and since we didn't have a digital scale at home I didn't really know what I was dealing with. It wasn't until a few weeks after I had Austin that I realized I had gained a whopping 60 lbs! Everyone kept telling me don't worry about it, it took 9 months to put it on it'll take 9 months to come off. Yeah, maybe if you're not sedentary! I didn't have the time to go to the gym at that point because I had to continue classes and take care of a newborn, the gym was SO not happening.
Don't get me wrong, I am SO not making excuses for me not getting up and moving my buns, but I do feel that maybe if I had been more informed along the way and told "Hey, sweetie you're gaining a bit too much, slow it down" it would have been beneficial.
Now, I'm making no more excuses, there is no more I'm too tired (Katie still wakes me up a couple times a night), no more I don't have time (I'm not doing anything at 4:30 in the morning anyway), and no more junk food was the only thing I had to eat in the house (why buy crap when you can buy healthy). I've taken back the controls on my life.
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